Looking over your shoulder.
Look over your manuscript, your sketches, or even your shoulder and you may discover your character.
The character of your story that is. Character is all around you. In people, animals, sometimes even in the objects around you and the spaces between them. Sounds strange, I know, but I’ll share a drawing sometime of a character I saw in the combination of a tree and it’s surrounding spaces.
Today’s shared drawing is of a secondary character whom I thought was a bit of a nemesis in my story but went by the wayside when I did revisions on the manuscript. I still enjoy his mischievous grin and thought I’d share him in this month’s post.
Shark or Support Agent
My shark like nemesis was sketched with color pencils. He wound up on the cutting room floor when I realized my main character got himself into enough trouble on his own. Funny how we can be our own antagonist.
Have fun fleshing/sketching out your sharks when you need a good protagonist, but don’t forget to throw in a few support agents as well. Our main character can always use someone on their side.
We all do.